Page 52 - VIA Broschüre
P. 52



                                 Science is a game. The rules of the game are   is not for them and have chosen another
              CURRENT POSITION   set by scientific communities, their aca-  game. What all members of the DCR com-
             Professor of International   demic journals and reviewers. You play    munity have in common, however, is that
                  Management at the    the game for two main reasons: to enjoy    they are 100% committed to the science
          European University Viadrina
                                 the game and to win. Participating in the   game and definitely lead a “vita contempla-
                                 game of science is not inexpensive. Today   tiva” with all its ups and downs. Further-
                                 you can hardly win with pencil and paper   more, all of them are involved in real life -
                                 alone. It requires equipment such as con-  “vita activa” - and want to contribute to the
                                 ference trips, licenses for software or    solution of very concrete problems of
                                 open access, proofreading and much more.   organizations and societies with their
                                 Our DCR team with its benevolent sponsor,    research. In this way, the game of science
                                 the Dieter Schwarz Foundation, entered   contributes to a third goal, in addition to
                                 this game 10 years ago. Since then we have   the joy of playing together and winning: the
                                 really enjoyed the game. We have had a lot   practical benefits that arise from the game
                                 of fun and many of our fellow students have   for society. In this way science is a game,
                                 been extremely successful in this game.   but a very useful one.
                                 Some of them have since moved up in the
                                 game hierarchy and have become masters
                                 of the game – “magister ludi” themselves.
                                 They hold professorships or are successful   “ Science is a game.
                                 post-docs. Others are still on their way or
                                 have perhaps also discovered that this game
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