Page 6 - VIA Broschüre
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DCR doctoral students came from all four alumni’s willingness to contribute to the
corners of the world with the shared goal of community – even if they left the program
conducting research and working together. years ago.
Intercultural competence, especially open-
ness, was required of all of us to perceive Although we only present part of the DCR
and dismantle prejudices and to question community in this brochure, we would like
biased interpretations or disadvantageous to make special mention of others who left
conditions. As human beings, we are all but a significant mark on the program as DCR
wired to notice differences in others. We members, visiting fellows, and post-docs.
aren’t so great at finding the similarities. We consider all of you important and valued
But the closer you get to someone, the more members of the DCR community.
common ground you may discover. That’s
why we chose to tell our powerful stories SADAF AFZAL
about the transformational growth we JULIA BERNHARDT
experienced as community members of the ROBERT BURISCH
DCR Doctoral Program and its impact on YIMING CAO
our lives and careers. We hope we inspire JOHANNES GAEDICKE
others to tell theirs. TESSA HAVERLAND
Everyone involved brought their very indi- LACHEZAR IVANOV
vidual set of skills, their ways of thinking GYULA KOCSIS
and behaving, and their approach to prob- DR. ALEXANDRA LANGER
lems. The DCR experience is what connects YANNICK MIES
us, it is what our alumni invested in as stu- DR. MONIKA RESCHKE NÉE BIEDULSKA
dents, and it is what prepared them to push CATARINA VON MAYDELL
boundaries in their careers. We aimed to We want to acknowledge and express our
create an inclusive environment where all sincere gratitude for the contributions you
genuinely feel, believe and see it demon- each have made in making this experience
strated that they belong and are valued for
who they are. We probably failed sometimes. an unforgettable one. Thank you!
But we came a long way and can be satisfied
with the close-knit network. The contribu-
tions to this brochure offer insight into our