Page 14 - VIA Broschüre
P. 14
The three years of the DCR program were, to in our works may be five or seven years
DISSERTATION TOPIC probably, the most intensive and interest- old. It also means that whatever genius idea
Psychological microfoundations ing years in my career. After spending about you are working on, it may already be under
and activation of dynamic 6 years in the real economy, coming back to review and appear just shortly before you
managerial capabilities:
Influence of affective states on science was a challenging project indeed. publish your dissertation.
managerial behavior First of all, if you come to the world of aca-
demia you have to learn some simple rules: These simple rules shed light on how
PERIOD OF STAY dynamic the academic life is. Apart from a
04/2011 – 03/2014 • Nothing is sure. As practitioner, you need to learn the basics of quantitative and
CURRENT POSITION apply your knowledge and experience and qualitative research methods, one has to be
Lecturer and Postdoctoral your world is relatively stable. In academia, in a constant flux with regard to one’s own
Research Associate at all knowledge and experience are con- research. These dynamics make a life of an
Frankfurt School of
Finance & Management stantly reassessed and criticized. After one academic hard: we are those who have to
scholar comes up with a clear description constantly live in a state of cognitive disso-
of a concept, next year she is criticized by nance. And if we don’t, then we do something
another scholar, whose arguments seems to wrong.
be as reliable as the initial ones. As a result:
These psychological job demands made me
• Be ready to change your topic. As one of aware of the topic of discrete emotions –
our DCR professors said to me “Be always our natural mechanism of coping with the
ready to forget everything you know and complexity of the fast changing environment.
start from the beginning; be ready to go in I decided to dedicate my research to the
the opposite direction; be ready to ‘let go’ impact of emotions on dynamic managerial
and do something new”. This advice helped capabilities or, put differently, on the capabil-
me many times not stick to my initial ities of managers to adapt to changing envi-
thoughts and beliefs and move forward. ronments. Starting with a simple experi ment,
this research led to a new theory which
• New theories are in someone’s pipeline incorporates psychological and physiological
while you try to catch their shadows. Inter- resources into operations management.
estingly, some papers need five or even Although, it may happen that someone
seven years to get published. It means that else’s academic work is just being published
even the newest theories we are referring while I am still finalizing my manuscript.