Page 18 - VIA Broschüre
P. 18



                                 “Driving in the dark” provides a rich illus-  great deal of uncertainty when I needed to
             DISSERTATION TOPIC  tration for my PhD journey. While I was   organize focus groups for generating mea-
               Customer Relationship   passionate about this new journey, I under-  surement items for the construct. I was new
          Vulnerability – A New Concept   estimated the level of uncertainties that lay   in Heilbronn and did not know English
             In Relationship Marketing
                                 ahead. Hence, I had to adapt and rely on    speakers who would be willing and able to
                 PERIOD OF STAY  the DCR community.                  participate in the study. Hence, I had to
                  04/2015 – 03/2018,                                 walk out of my comfort zone by engaging
                04/2018 – 08/2018 as   To understand my struggle with uncertainty,   with “strangers” on the GGS campus in an
              Postdoctoral Researcher
                                 one needs to refer to my first métier. My   attempt to recruit them for the focus groups.
              CURRENT POSITION   early profession values certainty, predicta-  It was difficult, but the silver lining is that
             Postdoctoral Researcher at   bility, and a decent relationship with the   I widened my circle of acquaintances in the
             Justus-Liebig University,   machines (e.g., computers, fax/printers).    process — which contributed positively to
                                 As a former computer programmer, I have   my social life in Heilbronn. It should be
                                 developed a need for certainty — which   noted that the DCR community devoted
                                 made my PhD journey more challenging.    valuable resources that helped me deal with
                                 It all started in 2015 when I decided to pro-  this uncertainty. Developing a new concept
                                 pose and test a new relationship marketing   is a tedious endeavor and requires the
                                 concept. This new concept draws on social   application of rigorous analytical techniques.
                                 psychology to explain the customer’s ability   The DCR offered me the opportunity to
                                 to maintain relationships. It identifies a   acquire skills in qualitative/quantitative
                                 customer segment that is immune to rela-  research, which made this journey less
                                 tionship marketing initiatives. The idea was   uncertain. In addition, the professors created
                                 to show not only the validity of the concept,   a supportive environment that allowed me
                                 but also its merit in the customer relation-  to consult them for guidance whenever
                                 ship marketing literature. I felt that the   I felt lost along the journey.
                                 development of this new concept was com-
                                 parable with driving a car in the night on    Just as headlights allow the driver to see
                                 a dark highway: the headlights allowed me   what lies a few meters ahead in the dark,
                                 to see only what lay a few meters ahead.    my willingness to adapt and the DCR support
                                 I knew the destination but needed to face   allowed me to walk through uncertainty
                                 and overcome uncertainties in order to   trusting that the destination was reachable.
                                 reach it. For instance, I was faced with a   And I made it.
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