Page 17 - VIA Broschüre
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My PhD journey in the DCR program The main benefit of being a part of the
allowed me to grow in nearly every direction DCR program was the resources available DISSERTATION TOPIC
imaginable. I gained theoretical knowledge to create my individual PhD journey and Creating Shared Value:
and practical research experience. The first the group feeling in the DCR community. A Conceptualization and
Empirical Investigation of
year included a solid foundation in research The resources available allowed me to the Dynamic Stakeholder
methods, research philosophies, and the attend conferences, summer schools, and Management Capability
research topics of the program. My presen- workshops that endowed my research with
tation and discussion skills developed during high quality knowledge, training, and feed- PERIOD OF STAY
04/2012 – 03/2016
international conferences such as the back. Within the DCR community I was
Academy of Management and our regular free to design my individual research topic CURRENT POSITION
DCR conferences, where we presented our while, due to the overarching DCR topic, Manager Membership
research status and received feedback and I still had connections to my colleagues’ Relations & Development
at Bundesverband Digitale
support from experienced researchers. My research that led to collaboration on sub- Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V.
ability to deep dive into theory, reflect on projects and joint papers.
current narratives, and question assump-
tions grew. During my research stay at I would describe the DCR time as the journey
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, to my professional self. I was able to address
I identified the research gaps I could questions that will surely impact my
address by linking stakeholder theory and upcoming career. One of my main research
the DCR topic. finding is that organizational change pro-
cesses are most likely to be successful and
I also grew personally during the PhD jour- sustainable when stakeholders are inte-
ney. A big challenge for me was balancing grated from the beginning. I am looking
work and family life. I took two four-month forward to bringing my insights and ideas
maternity leaves for each of my daughters, with me and advancing them in my future
getting ready by achieving milestones before responsibilities.
each leave. The DCR program provided
maximum flexibility and allowed me to
work from home, which was a brilliant
option to combine work and family life.