Page 21 - VIA Broschüre
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When I finished my PhD, people often asked It is elevating when you get told that your
me what it was like to do a PhD or to be a research has been accepted for publication. DISSERTATION TOPIC
PhD student. My answer was and still is: “It It is frustrating when you have to delete Critique in Organizations:
is like a journey to yourself”. In the following paragraph by paragraph in your manuscript Episodes, Effects and Paradoxes
lines, I explain why I come to this answer. and rewrite it because reviewers think it is PERIOD OF STAY
still not focused enough and some important 04/2014 – 08/2017
Doing a PhD is about feeling like a (very) aspects are missing.
wise guy when you find the missing part in CURRENT POSITION
Professor for Industrial
the puzzle you are trying to solve. And it is It is privileging when you recognize that Marketing and Sales
about feeling like a fool and falling into a you are part of a sophisticated, international at Coburg University of
chasm when realizing the day after that research community where you can make Applied Sciences and Arts
the part you found does not fit the puzzle … friends, get inspiring talks, and help. It is
and you have to do a lot of work again. grounding yourself when realizing that in
the end it is just you and your thesis, and
It is exciting when you get the chance to that you are on your own.
present your research at a conference in
front of professionals and renowned You feel great and maybe like a king when
researchers in your specific field. It is chas- you hand in your dissertation, and you feel
tening when you realize the empty chairs embarrassed when recognizing that you are
in the meeting room (sometimes there are not able to describe properly in one sentence
many seats left), people sneaking in late and what you found out in your work when asked
sneaking out early, and the few questions by the university’s administrative staff.
people may have at the end when it is shortly
before lunch. Doing a PhD is, if done correctly, more than
doing research and writing a thesis. It is
It feels strange to have a very high degree of experiencing the ups and downs, not of life,
freedom in what you do, where you do it, but of your personality and learning to live
and when you do it. It feels normal to spend and cope with them.
every minute with your research and sitting
days and nights alone at your desk working,
i.e. reading, thinking, analyzing, and writing.