Page 26 - VIA Broschüre
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I became guest researcher in the joint Doc- care for my family and two little children.
DISSERTATION TOPIC toral Program Dynamic Capabilities and My personal highlight was experiencing the
Effective Management of Word Relationships of the European University intense – but successful – review process of
of Mouth in Marketing Viadrina and the German Graduate School my joint paper in the Journal of Marketing
PERIOD OF STAY of Management and Law (GGS) Heilbronn “Seeding as Part of the Marketing Mix:
11/2017 – 12/2018 in November 2017. During my 14-month stay WordofMouth Program Interactions for
as Visiting Scholar I was in the company of wonderful fellow Fast-Moving Consumer Goods” (VHB A+).
PhD students and highly experienced In this paper my co-authors and I examine
Research Assistant at supervisors. I will remember this time as the advantages for companies of getting
the Faculty of Economics one of the most intense periods in my life. into a dialogue with their customers
and Management, through seeding programs. Furthermore,
Chair of Marketing at the Joining the DCR community has helped me in we address managers’ confusion by analy-
Technical University of Berlin
my pursuit of an academic career. I was able zing its interplay with other marketing mix
to participate in conferences like the European elements. We are able to provide managers
Marketing Academy Conference and the Inter- with valuable insights and managerial guid-
national Conference of Information Systems. ance on how to integrate seeding programs
The DCR program created excellent opportu- – and thus a dialogue with their customers
nities for intensive and focused exchange with – into their marketing strategy. Support
academics and other experts and helped from the DCR Doctoral Program enabled me
me start building an international network. to accomplish an article of this caliber and
has strengthened my motivation to
Fellow DCR members fostered international further pursue my academic career.
exchange and also provided valuable feed-
back during the proposal conferences in Most of all I value the new friendships that
Heilbronn and in later conversations. evolved during my stay in the DCR program.
Their constructive criticism and comments I enjoyed the welcoming atmosphere within
helped me advance my current working the DCR community, the openness and
paper. It was easy to focus on research in friendliness of everyone involved. I highly
such a productive atmosphere. During appreciate the exchange with them and
those 14 months I was able to successfully often remember in-depth discussions of
work on three research projects. What’s ideas and best practices. This is something
more, the DCR program also allowed me to I am really grateful for.