Page 30 - VIA Broschüre
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Starting my PhD as a member of the DCR Even though the time as a PhD student is
DISSERTATION TOPIC community, everyone welcomed me warmly not always easy, the unpredictability is what
Advertising effects of ethnicity and openly in Heilbronn at the proposal makes this time so special. I learned to
and religion in advertising: the conference. I met wonderful people who accept and solve great challenges. Further-
moderating influence of country
specific factors and context already provided many useful tips and more, during my time as a PhD student
news valence. (working title) strategies of how to come up with a good I was offered the chance to travel a lot pre-
dissertation project and how to stay sane senting my work at conferences and attend-
PERIOD OF STAY during this life changing time. Little did ing the ICPSR and GSERM summer schools.
02/2016 – 10/2016
I know back then of what to expect. I met interesting scholars around the world
CURRENT POSITION and collaborated with a colleague in Israel.
Research Assistant at Since then the journey has had many ups Spending a month in Tel Aviv working on a
the Chair of Marketing, and downs. While I have never had a project together was definitely one of my
European University Viadrina
steeper learning curve, organizing yourself highlights.
can also be very stressful and frustrating at
times. It is easy to get lost and sometimes All those experiences were very valuable
you see yourself confronted with challenges and gave me the opportunity to meet like-
that seem unsolvable at this moment. How- minded people whom I now consider close
ever, those were the times when the support- friends and/or advisors. Overall, the time
ive DCR community became important to in the DCR program and the diversity of the
me. Everyone was very helpful and encour- DCR community was a great asset enabling
aging; sharing experiences or just reassuring my personal growth. I am thankful for the
you that everyone feels a little lost from freedom and flexibility I have. Undertaking
time to time. Furthermore, the diverse interesting research, constantly learning
background and research topics of the DCR new things and being challenged every day
members offered many interesting perspec- is extremely rewarding. Having like-minded
tives. Looking at problems from different people you can share this with makes it all
angles led to interesting viewpoints and worth it and helped me to stay sane.
discussions and offered new approaches.