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                  Nearly six years ago, I first set foot on the   unnecessary detours, and a lot of headaches
                  Heilbronn campus to meet my cohort and   that turned out to be integral parts of the   DISSERTATION TOPIC
                  the professors and administrators who ran   learning process, perhaps best described as   Heuristics and strategic
                  the program. It seems a lifetime ago. As I   “push and get pushed,” a philosophy I   decision-making: An empirical
                                                                                          investigation from different
                  reflect on my four years in the DCR program,   believe both of my supervisors ascribed to.   theoretical perspectives
                  three topics come to mind: academic free-
                  dom, friendship, and a question I still struggle   From Professor Martin Eisend, one of many   PERIOD OF STAY
                  to answer, What are dynamic capabilities?  valuable pieces of advice has stuck with me:   04/2014 – 09/2017
                                                      “See the walls of this university as a starting   CURRENT POSITION
                  An early memory is of a methods class on   point.” He was enforcing the idea that aca-  Assistant Professor of Strategy
                  qualitative research taught by Professor   demic discourse takes place internationally,   and Innovation at Copenhagen
                  Jochen Koch – who later on became my   across universities, across continents –   Business School (CBS) |
                                                                                          Visiting Scholar
                  supervisor. The course not only challenged   often at conferences and workshops and    at Stanford University
                  my understanding of the world in terms    in conversation. Another aspect that can’t
                  of “how I see the world” but also raised    be stressed often enough is the financial
                  questions of belonging and anxiety about   resources available to us as PhD students,
                  whether I was made of the right material    enabling many of us to travel to numerous
                  to master a PhD, live up to the expectations   conferences and workshops. This wouldn’t
                  set by the program, or even remotely   have been possible without the generous
                  understand this “non-trivial machine”    support by the foundation, or as some
                  that we had been discussing on too warm   fondly say, “Uncle Dieter.”
                  an afternoon in Frankfurt (Oder) for hours.
                                                      Now that the first cohorts have successfully
                  While I soon learned that each supervisor   “left the wings of their supervisors” and
                  had their own philosophy of leadership, one   found their independence, both in academia
                  aspect I valued in particular about having   and professional life, I’m grateful for
                  Jochen and Theo as my co-advisors is what   everything – supportive faculty, colleagues
                  I would describe as “academic freedom,”   who became close friends and co-authors,
                  that is the liberty to pursue and discuss   and all the space to ask questions, even
                  knowledge and research without restrictions   seemingly trivial ones. I’m eager to see how
                  and interference. Of course, this also meant   the DCR program will reinforce its network
                  occasionally running up against walls,   in the years to come.
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