Page 33 - VIA Broschüre
P. 33
From my stay in the DCR program, most What followed the first year of the program,
vividly I remember personally experiencing however, turned out to be the most challeng- DISSERTATION TOPIC
the effects of several cycles of change. ing change. Looking back, the structured Strategic Capabilities for
schedule of the first twelve months of the Innovation in the Digital
In the program, it was common to have program mimics the runway, offering a Economy: A Data Analytics
discussions on how the world around us, solid ground for getting started, accelerat-
and primarily organizations, is affected by ing, and taking off. At the end of the runway, PERIOD OF STAY
changes and what the consequences of these however, you reached the level of indepen- 04/2014 – 03/2017
04/2017 – 03/2018 as
changes are. What was also always present, dence, the power of which seemed bewil- Postdoctoral Researcher
but becomes apparent only in hindsight, is dering at first.
the effect of an agglomeration of changes CURRENT POSITION
that touched me on a personal level. Ultimately, after going through several Lead Consultant,
Data Products at
iterations of the academic calendar, when BIG PICTURE GmbH
The first change was a cultural one. Clearly, the future did not seem that unpredictable
when arriving in Germany from another cul- and changes were not probable, it was time
ture, there was already a certain expectation to make a conscious decision and undergo
of cultural differences. However, when the another change. This time to change worlds
first entry point to the country is a multicul- and move from the world of academia back
tural cohort of a diverse community in one of to the world of industry.
the most international German universities,
the question of cultural literacy is not only Experiencing these cycles helped me to
germane to one, but to multiple cultures. change personally, as a result of which
change began to seem like a ceaseless pro-
Shortly after joining the DCR program, it cess of existence. However, the imperma-
was time for a scheduled change of locations nence of all the changing events was always
within Germany. Moving from the culturally paired with the constancy of trust and
vibrant Berlin-Brandenburg area to the sooth- support from the program founding insti-
ing southern part of the country allowed a tutions towards the DCR community, for
closeness to nature, which provided focus which I will be ever grateful.
and stimulated thinking – an excellent
environment in which to immerse oneself
into the narrative of the research project.