Page 37 - VIA Broschüre
P. 37
When I joined the DCR program in Summer demic system, it is still harder to prevail for
2018, I had successfully defended my PhD those who have not been socialized in the DISSERTATION TOPIC
thesis in late 2017 and had been working country and the particular academic system. Price Fairness Perceptions:
as a postdoctoral researcher for several It is easier to deal with these challenges if Meta-analytic Investigations.
months in a project funded by the German you are surrounded by fellows who experi- PERIOD OF STAY
Research Foundation. At that time, I was ence similar things. 07/2018 – 03/2020
still unsure whether I should stay in academia as Postdoctoral Researcher
or pursue a career in business. This is an While I am still unsure whether staying in CURRENT POSITION
important life decision that takes time and academia is my cup of tea, I succeeded in Research Assistant at the Chair
I am very grateful that the DCR program making some significant progress. Since of Marketing of the European
gave me the opportunity to experience the I joined the program, I had the chance to University Viadrina
life of a postdoctoral researcher for almost pursue several research projects, to submit
two more years. And it was and is quite an articles and to publish some of them, to
experience. attend conferences and summer schools,
to network and to get to know other
Working in the DCR environment is differ- younger and older researchers. Most of all,
ent from working at a professorial chair, the support and freedom provided by the
because the DCR community is more diverse program helped me in dealing with the
and its members come from many coun- most important challenge and most beautiful
tries and have very different backgrounds, experience in my life: becoming a father of
experiences, and life scripts. Coming from two children and taking care of them 24/7
Belgium and having a migration background, while at the same time working as a post-
I always felt welcome by the diverse DCR doctoral researcher.
community. I learned how important a wel-
coming and accepting work environment is
for the challenges one faces as a postdoctoral
researcher. There is a lot of pressure to
publish, to network, and to showcase, which
is especially difficult if you do not know the
customs, habits, and structures in a country.
I noticed that despite all the openness and
tolerance of the people working in the aca-