Page 41 - VIA Broschüre
P. 41
As a visiting scholar I had the unique the stage of their career or their research
opportunity to become part of the DCR interest everybody was willing to support DISSERTATION TOPIC
community last year. This allowed me to each other by sharing knowledge and expe- Institutional Voids als Problem
participate at two different conferences rience. At no time did you have the feeling of internationaler Unternehmens-
aktivitäten in Emerging
within just a month. The first one was an being left alone with problems or questions. Markets – Unterschiedliche
academic conference in Sweden where I got It was nice to work in such a great atmos- Handlungsoptionen von
the chance to present my research project phere. This was a totally new experience of Unternehmen im Umgang mit
and to get in touch with other researchers how inspiring and relaxed research can Institutional Voids
in my field of interest for the first time. actually be. PERIOD OF STAY
05/2019 – 12/2019
The second conference was my personal Participating in this workshop not only as Visiting Scholar
highlight during the DCR scholarship. It motivated me to continue working on my CURRENT POSITION
was a very interesting and instructive work- own research projects, but also awakened Research Associate and
shop on how to develop and write a paper further research ideas and provided a PhD Candidate at the Chair
and how to get published at the end. For starting point for new collaboration pro- of International and
me, as a research associate writing a mono- jects. In addition, it was very nice to meet Strategic Management at
graphic PhD thesis, it was a one-time old friends, colleagues and professors from the University of Stuttgart
chance to learn more about the publication my student days at the European University
process and to get in contact with editors Viadrina.
such as Ann Langley and experts in the field
of academia like Timothy M. Devinney and To sum up, being a member of the DCR
Roland Rust. Their comments on my work community allowed me not only to partici-
were not only target oriented and fruitful pate in such interesting events but also to
but also inspiring and motivating. create a tight network, within which I’ve
found an additional source of knowledge,
By working in small groups, everybody got inspiration and motivation. Overall, I was
the chance to discuss their research pro- glad to have the chance of being part of
jects in detail, to ask all relevant questions such a great program and hopefully it will
and to improve their paper. Furthermore, continue in the coming years to offer this
at the conference I met other DCR mem- wonderful content to many other young
bers with different academic backgrounds researchers.
or a different focus of research. Whatever